Universal Studios Japan, by José

A pin made for you!
Hey, it’s Jose here and welcome to my post about Universal Studios, hope you like it 😛!
We went to universal at the 23 of September 2016 and that was in Halloween times.

Hogsmead, at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
We have entered the park!!
So first we were going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but you need tickets to get in,
so you get the tickets, then the tickets show a specific time to get inside the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and once it’s time to get in you can stay for as long as you like to, but if you get out you can’t get in again so I suggest you do all you want to do in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter before you get out of it.

Hogsmeade entrance, USJ
Anyway back to our point of view.
So we were going to the Harry Potter place but on the way, Coral got distracted by the Universal Wonderland and the caramel popcorn, so we had to go there.
We got a fast pass for the Snoopy’s Great Race but it also shows specific times for the ticket/fast pass, so before Snoopy’s Great Race we went to be stupid. We went to eat. We ate but there was still remaining time, so we went on Hello Kitty’s Cupcake Dream, spin spin spin.

Coral at Elmo’s little drive, USJ
Then it was time for Snoopy’s Great Race, but we went to get fast pass for the Flying Snoopy first, then we were on Snoopy’s Great Race, at least no one vomited, then we went to Charlie Brown’s classroom, there was a bunch of stuff there.
Then we went to the Sesame Street stuff. It was most kids stuff over there, and yeah, except Sesame’s Big Drive which João and I went to.

Snoopy’s classroom’s blackboard
It was soon time for the Flying Snoopy, so we went to the Flying Snoopy, eat caramel popcorn, but it was still not time to go to Wizarding World of Harry Potter, so we went to Space Fantasy, but my dad was too big for the ride so only me, Coral, Melissa, my mom, and João went.
In the line there were TVs and on the TVs, there were mini fire guys, they show you your safety.
So we went on Space Fantasy which just goes running around and going up and down,
Then finally!! It was time to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!!!!!!

Lunch at Snoopy’s Café: it was cuter than tasty
We went there and the first thing we did was go on the Flight of the Hippogriff. We waited a bunch in the line but it was worth it. Then we went to the Forbidden Journey. The line was very cool there were talking portraits, but I’ll tell more about it when I tell you about the Castle Walk.
After all, that twisting turning upside-down crazy 3D stuff, all in the Forbidden Journey we went to do the Castle Walk.
Then we entered the Castle of Hogwarts. The talking portraits that talk the most were the portraits of Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw, and there were a few doors that said stuff like potion class or kitchen or potions storing room.
And then it was 6:30 pm we started looking in shops, I got some butterbeer it was non-alcoholic just so you know.

Griffin at the entrance of Hogwarts Castle
Then we found some Death Eaters, special Halloween event, it was wizards fighting the Death Eaters.
Then we were getting out of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, but I and my brother started crying cause there would be a bunch of creepy stuff like zombies, but our dad let us hold his hand until we got to the Jurrasic Park ride. After waiting in the line of the Jurrasic Park ride, we got to the boat of the ride, then the t-rex is about to bite us (in the ride of course) then super duper fall!!!!!!!
It feels like I’m gonna fall out of the boat, then the ride finishes, we get out of the boat and we end in the Jurassic Park store. My mom, who is the person who speaks most Japanese, asked a staff if there were any zombie-free way out, then the staff said that from the Jurrasic Park area there isn’t any zombie-free way out, but after the Jurrasic Park area you will get to the Jaws area which has fewer zombies, but After that you will get to Universal Wonderland, and in Universal Wonderland there will be a sign which says zombie-free way out, but before we went to the zombie freeway out we went to Elmos Bubble Bubble and Hello Kitty’s Cupcake Dream again, the fall on Elmo’s Bubble Bubble is very small its more like a kids splash ride.
And then we went to the zombie freeway out, and that zombie freeway out is around the outside of the park. Then we get to the Universal City Walk and go to Hard Rock Café.
And it’s funny cause my dad drank about 5-6 cups of Coke.
When we were done eating at Hard Rock, we get to the end of Universal City Walk, and we get out of the park.

Hagrid’s Hut, at the Flight of the Hippogriff
And that’s about it.
That’s my post this time!
Hope you liked it!
And if you ever go to Universal Japan, I wish you good luck,
Zé, adorei seu post! Me senti lá, com você, senti até medo dos zumbis!! :O Obrigada pelo texto tão fofo e sincero. Beijo!
Ai, Zé, ri demais lendo seu post.
Agora me fala: valeu a pena ter ido no Mundo de Harry Potter depois de ter visitado a Universal “de verdade”?? É que eu nem quero ir pra Disney/Universal mas sou louuuuca pra conhecer o castelo do Harry Potter.
Ah, o Igor tinha muito medo dos zumbis e monstros das Noites do Terror do Play Center… Depois pergunta pra sua mãe sobre isso!