Comfort Zone

A pin to make life easier
As we are approaching our first international trip as World Trip Diaries, I frequently get questions regarding my work, my plans, how are we going to survive and all sorts of questions related to work and money.
Particularly, those are the hardest question to answer. We simply don’t know. Of course we have plans, actually a handfull of them, and if nothing goes according to it, we can always come back and say that at least we’ve tried, we are happy and we can start it again. No regrets, but wiser!
This week is my last week in my current company. I have to leave. Even working for the last four years from home, the idea of having a 100% mobile employee was not acceptable. So, I’m moving on after five and a half years. This is the longest I’ve worked for a single company.
Based on that, the decision to start my own business came up. This was an old idea, very old, but I never had the chance to put in practise, or maybe, I was always afraid of failure or just comfortable in my place. With all those variants in place, here I go to the business world, not as an employee, but now as my own boss.
I’m leaving my comfort zone.
For me, comfort zone was the place I was. I had a full time job, got paid monthly, got my headaches and stresses moments, but at the end, everything was fine and then it all starts again, in an endless loop.
I like what I do, and I’ve been doing this for the last 16 years, and I never ran out of work, never had time with no pay. Skills? Opportunities? Networking? Maybe it was a bit of everything, but I never had to leave my comfort zone.
Ok, so…
Decision to let it go, done.
Start my own business, done.
Make it generate income, in progress.
Now, the questions are different. Will we have enough? Will the kids have enough? Will we burn all our savings on that dream? Well, at the moment, after 4 months on the road, we are still trying to reduce and figuring out how will be the outside of our comfort zone. But, two things are clear for us: we are happier than ever as a family and individuals and we are learning a lot. And if we put all this together, we’ll have a great place to work, we’ll create amazing ideas and we’ll grow up.
How about you? Are you in a comfort zone too?
Are you looking for a change?
Let me know, we can exchange ideas and make things work better for all of us!
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