Colonia del Sacramento – Must go in Uruguay – by José
Hello and welcome to my post about Colonia Del Sacramento, hope you like it!
We went to Colonia by bus, the trip took 2-3 hours, but I didn’t really mind how long it took because I was playing the video-game. Well then we got to Colonia, we had to walk with bags on our back all the way to the apartment. At least it didn’t take too long like when we were going to the apartment in Montevideo. It was a nice house, the apartment, except that it was filled with dust everywhere. Well anyway. In one of the days, we went out to see one of the Uruguay flags and you could see the flag perfectly.

Nice photo, isn’t it?
Well, that was only one of the cool things. But I think that the best thing that we did in Colonia was that we got a golf cart, it was fun riding it.
Most of the end of the days in Colonia we went out to the beach to watch the sunset, it was a pretty view, and when the sun sets, everyone starts clapping.
That photo is what we saw most of the days.
Once, we also went to this ice cream place called Bortolot and we each ate a cucurucho. A cucurucho is a cone, with two flavors of ice cream, but they put the ice cream in a fancy way. I got the lemon flavor and lemon pie flavor, but when the staff was making João’s cucurucho, he failed on making it look good so he gave João extra ice cream.

Everyone’s smiling!
This photo we took by an old train station and was when we take photos with all of us. We usually take these photos with dad’s camera and mom’s phone, so I asked dad to take one with my phone because I thought it would be a good photo for my posts, so I put it in this post.

A lot of trees
This photo I took when we went to a lighthouse. We were planning for us all to go to the lighthouse but sadly people under 8 years old couldn’t go, so Coral couldn’t go. Mom stayed with Coral but then João didn’t want to go, so only me, dad, and Melissa went to the lighthouse. we had to climb all the way up the lighthouse by stairs, it was so tiring.
Colonia was a great place.
Well, that was my post for today, please subscribe to our channel and that’s it! Bye!
Ei Zeca, cadê a foto do sorvete? Antes de ser vegana, meu doce predileto era torta de limão. E meu sabor de sorvete também!! 🙂