Bucket list, Jose and Coral

The youngest 2 in our family made their bucket list! Click to read them!

A pin to make life easier!

We made our bucket lists! Below, you’ll find what José (9) and Coral (4) put on theirs, but you can also check out Melissa (12) and João (11), and mine and Angelo’s!

Jose’s bucket list

1- fly on a witches broom

Oh…….how I wish magic existed! if it did then one of the things I would rush for is a witches broom.

2-pokemon museum

I LOVE POKEMON (if you don’t know what Pokemon is then too bad) I’ve got Pokemon cards and I’m just a total fan of Pokemon, I just REALLY LIKE Pokemon, and Pokemon museum is just a huge store of Pokemon stuff,


jose bucket list

Jose’s bucket list

3- New Zealand’s highest swing

I actually didn’t want to do this in the first place but then I started thinking about how fun it would be so I decided I wanted to do it. Besides, I love swings,

4- breakfast

I love breakfast. who doesn’t like breakfast?

5- visit two more Disneys around  the world

I love Disney and am pretty sure that everyone does (but if you don’t like Disney then I was wrong). One of my favorite Disney movies is Wall-E, it is really cool,

6- visit two more universals

I love universal. Who doesn’t  (well, I don’t know if you don’t like universal)? One of my favorite universal movies is despicable me, I like the minions in despicable me,

7- eat a huge wild mix of ice cream

Well, I always loved ice cream and I always liked trying new things out so I thought of making a huge wild combination of ice   cream and once I do it I hope it will taste really good,

8- paragliding 

I always wanted to have the chance to fly, as a new experience, so I thought of paragliding and when I get to do it I bet it will be very exciting!

9- go to two more x-treme entertainments 

The first time we went to x-treme entertainment it was for my birthday and it was really fun, so I thought that if we go again 2 more times it might be really exciting.

10- play 5 more video games

I LOVE VIDEO GAMES!! I’m sorry about that I just really like video games, so I put this on my bucket list: I want to play five more video games,

11- trampoline

I have jumped on a trampoline before but everywhere we go there are no trampolines and I miss trampolines, so I thought of putting jump on a trampoline again on my bucket list

12- ghibli studios

I LOVE TOTORO! ahem, let me explain, TOTORO IS ADORABLE! I also liked spirited away it’s kind of creepy but I still liked it, kikis delivery service is a cute movie too, PONYO IS ADORABLE! All of the ghibli studios movies are adorable and that is why I want to go to ghibli studios.

13- Suzuka circuit 

Suzuka circuit is an amusement park of vehicles we have gone there before but I forgot everything that happened, so I want to go there again,

14- travel around the world

We are doing that but I want to complete our trip.

15- swim

I knew how to swim but then I forgot, so I want to learn how to swim again,

16- make a rock bounce on the water 7 times

I can make a rock bounce on the water but the maximum I could do was 4 bounces.

17- japan 

I miss japan even though we went to japan already but I forgot everything that happened, so I want to go to japan again and regain memories.

18- climb a mountain 

The first time we hiked I thought it would be boring. WRONG, it was really cool, so I thought climbing a mountain would be really fun.

19- visit two more kiwis houses 

We went to Otorohanga kiwi house and I really liked it so I want to go to 2 more kiwi houses for some fun.

20- go to two more zoo’s 

My brother’s the fan of animals but I still really like animals, so I decided I want to go to 2 more zoos around the world.

21- hug a baby platypus.

My mom showed me a video of somebody feeding a platypus and the baby platypus was ADORABLE!! I can’t resist it’s adorableness so that’s why I want to hug a baby platypus.


coral bucket list

Coral’s bucket list

Coral’s bucket list

– fly on an airplane. 

(She drew a plane, in case you didn’t understand it!)


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  1. […] a White Christmas was on top of my kids’ bucket list. Well, we’re fine with the cold, but not that cold. We weren’t ready to give up carry-on […]

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