Brazilian food everyone should try
I’m Brazilian. Brazilian food is still my comfort food. Therefore, this post may be biased. But I don’t think it is. Try the food listed here and then, tell me if you’re thankful (I know you’ll be) or if you think my taste in food is horrible.
Pão de Queijo
Starting with my favorite food ever, pão de queijo. We introduced it as Cheese Bread (it’s a literal translation) to our friends and I must tell you – not once was there someone who did not like it.
Basically, it’s a little round bread made out of tapioca flour and cheese. Yum!

Pão de queijo – or cheese bread. So delicious!
It’s famous, I know, but it’s delicious! Imagine something that comes out of condensed milk and chocolate. Well, that’s it. Traditional in birthday parties, but sold in every bakery. There are even stands in malls that sell only them.

Brigadeiro: the long brown sprinkles one is the traditional brigadeiro. The other one is peanut brigadeiro
Imagine a potato dough filled with seasoned and shredded chicken. Now imagine it deep fried. Yup, that’s it. Can’t stop it. It’s everywhere, BUT there are good coxinhas and bad coxinhas. If you have tried a bad one, don’t give up. There’s always a good one somewhere.

Coxinha, deep-fried, filled with chicken and heavenly
This is my second favorite food ever. Just an amazing dough filled with whatever the person who made it thought would taste good. It varies from simple ones, like mince or cheese to weird ones like rice and beans, or even sweet ones such as banana and cinnamon. It’s also deep fried.
It’s commonly found in produce markets but also in a few restaurants and stores.

Pastel – must try. MUST.
In Brazil, people eat rice and beans almost every day but I’d rather have farofa and beans. Farofa is made out of coarse manioc flour. It can be eaten plain like that or seasoned with onions, garlic, chili and whatever one wants to. Oh so good.
Feijoada is so good, but it’s not very pretty. Black bean soup with all the parts of a pig people doesn’t usually eat. Try it with farofa and stir-fried kale. Love it.
This is also a nice nice nice nice dessert. It can be made with different ingredients, but it’s usually dried coconut with sugar. People may use coconut water, plain water, milk or condensed milk. Either way, they’re all delicious.
Crunchy delicious pork crackling. Pure fattening yumminess. Have it with feijoada, farofa, and stir-fried kale.

Torresmo. The plate on the back holds salted meat with onions, also traditional in Brazil
Pizza and Esfiha
I know there’s pizza everywhere BUT do try the Brazilian pizza. You’ll not regret it. The esfihas are mini pizzas, basically, and they’re also delicious!
Tapioca is a very nice food, that makes a kind of a pancake, but it’s not sweet or savory, so you can put whatever fillings you want. So good, either with roasted veggies or with condensed milk. Yum!

Tapioca – how can something be good with every filling there is?
Pão Francês
Even though it’s translated as French Bread, it doesn’t exist in France. Try it warm with butter, requeijão (a creamy and slimy type of cream cheese) or Io-iô cream (a Nutella-like thing, but so much better).

Pão Francês (or French bread) with Ioiô Cream and fresh coconut water….
A fish stew with coconut milk and palm oil. Heavenly. Absolutely delicious.

Moqueca – even if you don’t really like fish, this one is amazing
Have you tried any of them?
* All the photos on this post were taken with my iPhone 6. This is an affiliate link, and if you buy something from it, you will not pay any extra cost but we’ll receive a small percentage.
Não como mais da metade das coisas citadas, mas me deu uma fome! Em sua homenagem vou comer feijoada vegetariana! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk