The salt flats in Bolivia are a sight to behold. Here's what you need to know before you book your family vacation to Bolivia!

A pin ready to make life easier!

Our time in Bolivia was difficult, with altitude sickness, tiredness, more visits to hospitals than to touristic attractions, and scary taxi rides. But it was one of the greatest moments of our trip, with visits to the unbelievable Uyuni Salt Flats, our first encounter with Inca ruins in Tiwanaku.

It’s also where we found one of the friendliest people, rode the cheapest taxis, and had some very different experiences.

It’s a country with lots of mountains, and a lot the cities sit on high altitude. La Paz, for instance, is one of the highest cities in the world, and the Salt Flats are even higher.

The mom in Uyuni Salt Flats. It was one of the greatest moments of the trip, no doubts! Click here to know more about Bolivia for families!

No travel experience compares to the visit to the stunning Uyuni Salt Flats.



Bolivia is also one of the less financially significant countries in the Americas.

We found it to be one of the cheapest places we’ve ever visited, which makes it great for families.

In our four weeks there, we didn’t do much but what we did, we enjoyed a lot. We need to go back there to visit Lake Titicaca, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Sucre, and all the other (and in lower altitude) places we missed.

Find accommodation in Bolivia here! (Affiliate link)

For those planning a trip to Bolivia with kids, click around and find out what we did there.

Bolivia is a great place to take your kids to. It''s highly affordable and full of live!

We saw those 3 flags in a lot of places. I love how colorful they are.

Altitude Sickness

Our guide to surviving altitude sickness – It’s super serious, it’s real, and it’s common. We’ve gathered a few tips on how to avoid it, how to deal with it, and what you can do about it.

I can’t state enough how much you need travel insurance. It was great for us… We use World Nomads – to find a quote for you, click here.

Angelo and a white llama. It was fun seeing those fluffy creatures roaming around.

Cute huge things – llamas everywhere! We didn’t get spit at all.



To and from Bolivia

Other Memories of Bolivia

The kids walking on the clouds in Uyuni Salt Flats. Bolivia is, definitely, a country to visit with the family!

I need to say that the kids also had fun in Uyuni. It was mom’s dream, but they loved it too!

To finish it….

Our table for a quick guide – if there’s something else you think we should add here, let us know in the comments!

  • Country
  • Minimun Stay
  • $ ~ $$$
  • Child-friendlyness
  • Best local transport option
  • Safety
  • Do we recommend it?
  • Bolivia
  • If you’re going somewhere high in altitude, have at least a day to rest when you arrive, then a day between each activity. Seriously. And don’t cram too much in one day. So I’d say a week, at least!
  • $
  • People are super nice with kids but there isn’t much in terms of child entertainment
  • Taxis! Super cheap, and they’re everywhere!
  • We found it pretty safe
  • Yes!

For those planning a trip to Bolivia soon, check out our Pinterest Board! after you’ve read through our posts It has a lot of info!



