Best and Worst Things – by José

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Hello, and welcome to my post about the best and worst things about our trip! Hope you like it!
I think the trip is good so far, let me explain:
So the best thing about our trip so far is Japan, like in New Zealand the streets were way to filled with people, but in Japan there weren’t so many people, and in Japan there is a bunch of little stores which sell candy and food and stuff like that, there is also a bunch of vending machines which sell snacks, toys, drinks, ice cream, and there is also a bunch of arcades. I sure am going to miss Japan.
Ok, now I think that the worst thing about our trip was when we went to Universal Studios Japan, we had a bunch of fun there, just there was a tiny problem: we had like 3 days left in Japan, and we still had a bunch of money left, so my mom let us choose one more theme park, so we chose Universal.

A photo of Hogwarts at sunset – by José
But then we were watching tv and it showed a little video of Universal, it said that Universal was going to be filled with fake zombies, so I was kind of scared to go to Universal, so when we went to Universal, we were all having fun, until it was 06:30 pm, that is the time where all the zombies come out, we were at the Harry Potter place and there instead of zombies comes out death eaters which aren’t that creepy, but when we got out of the Harry Potter place there was a bunch of zombies, me and Joao started to cry.

A Kirby book at a little store
Now those were what I think were the best and worst thing about our trip, so that was my post about the best and worst thing about our trip so far, I might write another of this post when I find something better or worst.
We’ll hope you like this post!
Parece que o Japão está ganhado disparado, hein? Tanto você quando o Juca amaram.
Eu morei lá quando criança, você deve saber, e depois voltei em 2007; o igor era mais novo que você e também adorou.
Queremos voltar, e eu quero levar o Bruno pra conhecer, mas saindo do Japão é super cansativo.
Vamos ver se dá certo e, quem sabe, a gente se encontra por lá!