Entries by Thais Saito

How We Homeschool Our Kids During Our Travels

We have a few other posts about it, but kids grow and our approach changes. So homeschooling (or worldschooling) for us is very fluid in our family. A lot of things change depending on where we are, how we are, what does and doesn’t work and the likes and dislikes of everyone. I’ll try to […]

A little guide to Santiago, Chile, with kids

We had a bit over 2 weeks in Santiago, Chile, and I’m going to tell you all about it today. *this post may contain affiliate links. It just means that if you buy something through them, we get paid a small percentage without costing you anything. We spent our days in this apartment (if you’re new […]

Worst Moments of the first year of travels

We talked about the best moments last week, and now we’re talking about the worst ones. It all happens, life is about a balance of the good and the bad, so we couldn’t expect it to be all dreamy, could we? Bear the non-related photos because we never take photos of our worst moments. – […]

Hello Chile!

We had 4 weeks in Chile, between February and March 2017, divided between Santiago and Viña del Mar. There was a lot we wanted to see and do, but we ended up skipping a lot of it whether because we were tired, sick, didn’t have the money to, or just didn’t feel like it. For […]

Best Moments of the first year of family travel

So, y’all know we’ve now been traveling for a year. If you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you do know for sure. If you don’t, follow us on those places too! Today we’re talking about the best moments of our trip so far! In video, all our stops! We’ve had many great moments, […]

One year of travels – the kids answer the questions!

It’s a bit later than we’d hoped for, but the kids have answered the questions, and I think they did a pretty good job – worth waiting for. We hope you enjoy them and keep the questions coming! The grown-ups answered their questions here! João and José’s answers Melissa and Coral’s answers Just to be clear […]

Bye Uruguay!

This is the last (for now) post on our Uruguay series! I hope it’s inspired you to visit that incredible little country! I know I can’t wait to visit it again! If you’ve been to Uruguay and know of some awesome places there that we should visit on a next trip, let us know! Thank […]