KAIKOURA!! by Melissa

Kaikoura view from the lookout
HI it’s Melissa here!!
Today I shall be talking about what we have done in Kaikoura!
Let’s get started….
We came here Winter 2016.
When there was snow on the mountain but not enough to reach our feet.
1. Whale Watch
Honestly, I was really scared because I get seasick so it was hard but we still decided to go.
We got on the little boat, it started moving and everything was fine!
We saw a few dolphins, albatross, fur seals and 3 sperm whales!!!!
The guide said that you usually only see 1~2 whales so it was very lucky!!
Everything was going well then mom was feeling sick… Not long after I started to feel sick too.
The boat moved fast and shook a lot so that didn’t help either.
Luckily it ended and none of us threw up so it was all good!! (only after getting out of the bout and getting coke tho!)
FUN FACT: We went to the Whale Watch gift shop and I dropped like 100 mini glass whales on the floor… some of them broke (RIP whale) but some of them survived!!
I never wanted to go to that store ever again…
2. Fur Seals

Fur seal pup at Point Kean’s carpark
Absolute cuties!!
And it feels like they’re everywhere!!
Just look at the sea close to rocks or a special seal colony.
The babies are the cutest tho!!
3. Coopers Catch
Ok so.. I am only adding this because we ate there like 100 times!! (more like 3 but, yeah)
It’s really nice, we also tried ‘chips and gravy’ it’s really nice as well!
4. Poppy’s Ice Cream
whenever we went to eat Fish and Chips we would see people with huge, real fruit ice creams and always want one.
So on our last day, we went to give it a try!
All I can say is that it was really nice…really nice….
5. Kaikoura Marine Aquarium
A tiny little aquarium with the smell of a fish store.
It’s really small, mostly is about the sea creatures that live in Kaikoura but have a few that don’t too.
Honestly, there’s not much but its still fun!
Even with a problem with the credit card and having to go all the way to the motel to get the other one or them offering us free juice which happened to be past its expiry date, it was quite an adventure.

Whale tail from Whale Watch’s boat
Anyway, this is where I am going to leave this post for today.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Feel free to Message, Comment your opinions and if you have any questions make sure to ask!!
I will do my very best to reply!
And don’t forget to tell me if you would prefer Fish And Chips or Real Fruit Ice Cream?!?!
Thanks for reading this post, see you next time!
Bye Bye~
Love Melissa.
PS: all photos from this post were taken by Melissa herself.

A pin for you!
Mel, adorei o post e morri de rir com a parte do RIP whale. (Tadinha, desastrada igual a madrinha…)
E eu adoro fish & chips!!!
Os leões marinhos são muito fofos, também adorei!
E adorei mais ainda passar um tempinho com vocês!
Te amo, minha menina linda!
adorei todo mais eu prefiro o sorvete!!
Ai, Mel, que azar na lojinha! 🙁 Imagino a vergonha. Mas, ó, isso acontece, viu? Não é porque aconteceu uma vez que vai voltar a acontecer. E definitivamente eu também sou a doida do sorvete de frutas de verdade! hahaha Beijo!
hahahah! eu tamben prefiro o sorvete! <3
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Ai Mel, quebrando tudo!! Tiveram que pagar pelas baleias quebradas?
Eu também passo MUITO MAL no mar. Acho que é coisa de família. Aqui no Brasil, quando está quente, a recomendação é que se dê um mergulho na água, ou então tome um balde d´água na cabeça pra passar o mal estar. Comigo sempre funciona.
Mas no inverno, acho que não rola, né?